It took me about 20 minutes to get through the line and that left me with about 10 minutes to get through security and then to the boarding gate. To while the time, I looked at my ticket and that was when I realized that my baggage sticker was for another passenger going to Denver. I immediately went to the gate attendant. He thought maybe the sticker was wrong but my bag was going to the right place. He could do nothing else and said that if my bag wasn't in New York to ask someone there. That didn't make me feel all too good, but it was too late to go back to the baggage check-in.
I decided to look for a customer service desk and there was one about 2 gates away. I told my tale of woe to Melissa who was extremely nice. She got on her walkie talker and contacted one of the baggage handlers and asked them for a big favor. I described my bag and they were able to pull it off the Denver flight and get it onto my flight with about 10 minutes to spare.
Melissa then paged the person that was on my baggage sticker and called them to the customer service desk. She then had them describe their bag and that bag was pulled off the New York bound flight in time also. The lady who owned the bag was very grateful as she said that she had her cancer medication in the bag.
I boarded the flight feeling a lot better but still a little bit aprehensive about whether they did indeed get my bag onto the plane. But while sitting at my window seat I saw them load the luggage onto the plane and there was my bag. It is a typical black rolling board suitcase but I have an orange name tag on it in the shape of an airplane. I had won the tag in a Cathay Pacific contest.
The flight was pretty short and when I landed in New York, there was also a lot of balloons and festivities going on to celebrate the Jet Blue program. I asked someone there about what was going on and the vice president of marketing was there to give a speech surrounded by cheerleaders. They were also giving out jackets and stuff but by the time I got to the table, they were all gone except for a few buttons.
Sure enough my bag was there. One less thing to worry about for tomorrow's flight. While waiting for my car ride I bumped into New York Sharks player, Kathy Holloman. Kathy played running back this year and had a very good season before it ended just before the playoffs after suffering a concussion. She had also returned from a trip visiting friends in Carolina.
I got home by 2pm with enough time to get ready for my trip to the Deep South tomorrow.
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